Friday, September 14, 2018

Writing--Difficult Or Easy?

Thomas Mann was a German novelist, short story writer, social critic and essay writer. His quote above might first leave the reader scratching his/her head. Read it a few times and some sense comes of it. 

The question is why writing is more difficult for the 'writer.' I came up with a few reasons:
  • Writers know what can go wrong 
  • Writers see with more critical eyes
  • Writers strive for perfection
  • Writers want to write right!
A writer puts his/her work on display for readers and editors. In some ways, it feels like we are leaving ourselves open for criticism but there is also hoped-for praise. Thus, we want to write our very best to curtail the criticism and foster the praise. 

Writers are more aware of what tools of their craft are helpful and which ones are not. We know that an ending that falls flat can deflate an entire story. We're cognizant of the importance of those opening lines. We know that cliches are the sign of a lazy writer.

A writer's eyes are more critical than a reader. A writer who is editing his/her work will find many places that need revising. Back to square one for some areas. If we could write a first draft that sings, we would find writing quite easy. It seldom happens. We write and rewrite and do it again until we reach a piece that satisfies us. 

Yes, writers do want to write right. We know that, to achieve that state, we must use the knowledge and skill we have acquired over time. So, yes, writing is more difficult for writers than for others. 

What if you belong to that second category--other people--and suddenly have a desire to write your family history or a series of family stories? Does the quote mean that it will be apple pie easy for you? Probably not. It does stand to reason that you would not be as self-critical as someone who writes for publication. In that respect, your writing will be easier. 

Give some thought to Thomas Mann's quote. How does it apply to you? Or does it? 


  1. Nancy, thanks for your thought-provoking blog. I feel like I'm a better writer because I have more confidence (and time) than I used to have. Also, with time and practice I've learned how important it is to allow enough time to edit my pieces. I believe a lot of new writers don't understand the process of writing. Thanks again, Jim

    1. You're more than welcome. I am always pleased when someone gets something worthwhile from my blog.

  2. Nancy, your post reminds me how hard writing is for all the reasons you list. But as writers, we write because we can not NOT write! Thanks for the reminder.


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