Thursday, August 16, 2018

Writers May Like A Cozy Nest Too Much


As writers, we like to be warm and cozy, curled up in our nest. There are no cares or woes. Everything around us is familiar. We don't need to think too much or exert ourselves mentally in any way. Wonderful, isn't it? 

It may be comfortable but it's not going to help you grow as a writer if you keep writing what you've been writing for the last 'however' many years. But why move out of what has been successful for you? You sell a piece now and then, mostly to the same publications. They know you and your writing and you know the editor by now, so why bother with something different? 

It's a whole lot easier to stay in our comfy little nest. If you write only fiction, why in the world would you bother to try creative nonfiction?  Because it might be fun.

What if you have only written articles on farming in the USA? You've sold plenty of them so why bother to tackle a new subject? Well, why not? Venture only a little farther and write about farming in Africa or Eastern Europe.

If you write children's picture books, is there any reason you cannot try writing a YA novel? Never done it? Not to worry.

Even if what you've been writing is comfortable, is it inspiring? Do you get up in the morning looking forward to what you will write? Have you challenged yourself on this writing journey or have you stopped at the Comfort Zone Hotel and stayed there? 

If you have found your niche in writing the same kind of thing over and over and are satisfied, that's fine. Even so, if you venture out of that zone, you could find something new that satisfies you as much or more. I'm not suggesting you quit what you've been doing. Stay with it but venture a little farther and attempt something different at times, as well. Variety is kind of nice.

If you've only written prose, why not give poetry a try? Poets, give prose a try by starting with a prose poem. It's not such a big leap. 

If you've never written a short memoir piece, do it soon. You might find a whole new section of the writing world opening up for you. Conversely, you may not like writing the memoir story at all. No problem. You don't have to do it again but at least you tested the waters. You'll never know what you like to write and what you don't unless you move away from your comfort zone. 

The worst thing that can happen is that you hate what you attempted. It's alright. You can jump back to your cozy nest and keep writing what you like. The point is that you'll never know if you like a new kind of writing unless you try it. So, break out of the comfort zone if even for a short time.


  1. Your advice is so wise! Comfort zones can be dangerous!

    1. Your comments are always so uplifting. Are you going to be attending the KS Authors Club Convention in Salina in October? Would be nice to meet in person.


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