Tuesday, June 19, 2018

My Newest Anthology Stories and a Tip For Writers

I received a new anthology in yesterday's mail.  Yvonne Lehman compiled and edited the book, which is another one that donates all royalties to The Samaritan's Purse. This International disaster and relief organization helps worldwide. Right now, they are aiding the victims of the volcano eruption in Guatemala. 

Samaritan's Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization. They have a page in the book thanking the publisher for the continued donation of royalties from this book and nine previous anthologies. Yvonne Lehman is the woman responsible for this book and several previous ones. 

I submitted two stories for this fun little book and both of them were accepted. Turkey in the Raw is a story about a turkey disaster I had one Thanksgiving when I was trying to be a good hostess to my husband's family. Love On A Plate is a memoir piece about Muffin Days when my grandmother came to visit. It includes the recipe for these much-loved goodies I still make today. 

You can purchase the book at Amazon for $12.99.  If you enjoy cooking, you'll want to read the good, bad and humorous stories in this book. Might be a fun addition to a bridal shower gift or other gift-giving occasions. 

There is no pay for the authors in the anthologies that Ms. Lehman compiles and edits. For her, it's a labor of love and a way to help a worthy organization. Each author receives one copy of the book. 

Anthologies became popular years ago and the trend has continued with more and more of them for readers but also for writers to submit to. Check your favorite search engine for calls for submissions. I found one source that listed a great many looking for both fiction and nonfiction in several categories. Check this one out. Then keep looking on your own. Note that there is more than one page and you can click to go to the next one. 

Cup of Comfort was one of the first along with Chicken Soup for the Soul. The first one lasted only a few years but the second is going strong and still has calls out for stories for several upcoming books. Do check their submissions page regularly.  Remember that the more popular the anthology is, the more competitive for writers. Try for some of the lesser known ones first to give you better odds. Start small and work your way up. Or go for the big one and hope for the best. 

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