Monday, April 30, 2018

Looking For Inspiration To Write?

breathtaking, calm, color

Do you ever feel like you don't know what to write about? That writing is getting to be a drag? That you have no new project in mind and you really don't care? Every writer experiences these feelings occasionally. We hope it's only once in awhile, not on a regular basis. We all need some inspiration at that point. 

This past week, Ken and I attended a farewell concert on our university campus. A renowned music professor, leader of the Gold Orchestra conducted his final concert at Kansas State University. Being there, seeing a man honored for his long career and hearing the young people in the orchestra sounding like professional musicians inspired me. When each senior was introduced, their major cited and what future plans they had, I felt even more enthused. Very few were music majors. Their study field ranged from Engineering to Education and more. They were in the orchestra because they also loved music and the instrument each played. I left with my heart uplifted.

We spent the week-end in Kansas City, 2 hours east of us. We did a bit of shopping and attended a 50th anniversary dinner for a charity group we support. Seeing all the good this group has done in the world was emotional and inspiring. On Sunday, we attended a church service and then had a sumptuous lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, using two gift cards received at Christmas. On the drive home, I felt inspired by so many parts of the week-end. As we drove through the Flint Hills of Kansas, I started planning a piece I'd like to write for a new Chicken Soup for the Soul book. The rolling prairie served as inspiration, too.

Taking a break from the writing process and attending concerts, plays, or a quick week-end trip can do wonders to give you the urge to write something new or get on with one of those big projects you sometimes wonder why you ever started. Take a drive through the prettiest place you know in the area where you live. The scene in the photo above would make me want to paint a picture--or write a story, even a description of this place. 

Even a long walk can give you a needed break from writing and, if you use your writer's eye, you can see much along the way to inspire you. Don't walk with head down, hands in your pockets and a gloomy look on your face. Look around you. There is so much to be seen, so many things that can lift your heart. Inspiration is there. All you have to do is let it settle over you like a warm comforter.


  1. Replies
    1. Sometimes, it is the little things in life that give us inspiration.


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