Wednesday, November 1, 2017

New Month, New Projects

Month number 11 of the year 2017 is now upon us. There are several dates we recognize in November. Any one of them could be a topic for a new writing project. 

Here are a few of the better known significant dates in November

All Saints Day--today, the 1st
Veterans Day--the 11th
Thanksgiving--the 23rrd
Black Friday--the 24th

There are a number of other, rather bizarre days recognized by someone, somewhere this month. If you would like to see the list, take a look here

You're probably thinking What could I write about these days that hasn't already been done? Especially the common ones in the list above. Granted--Thanksgiving has been written about thousands of times but maybe not the story YOU will write. Black Friday stories might be a lot of fun to create. Veterans Day has also been observed through writings over and over again, but maybe YOU can being a new angle, show your own patriotism and thoughts. Today is All Saints Day when we remember those whom we know that are no longer alive. There are many approaches to this topic, too. YOU can write a story about people that no one else can. 

At the beginning of each new month, check out the holidays or days of observance to find inspiration for a new writing topic. Take whatever angle you like. Make it funny, sad, moving or scary. YOU are in charge. 

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