Food, Glorious Food
Food! It's a big part of our life. We tend to deal with it every single day, whether it is in the eating or the preparation or the purchase of it. It's a necessity for life but the degrees we go for it vary considerably.
I got to thinking last evening about the big part food plays in our memories. When you think of summer days as a kid, doesn't food come into play? Watermelon, lemonade, fresh fruit, barbecues, picnics, BLT's made with homegrown tomatoes. And lots more. Holiday memories often involve food, too. So do cold, winter days. What did your mom make for dinner on those arctic days that helped warm you through and through?
We have golden memories of the first times that Mom or Grandma let us help in the kitchen. Do you remember how proud you were when you showed another family member what you had helped make? Did you have a sense of accomplishment? Were you ready to gobble up the goodies made as soon as they were ready?
Those of us who have cooked for families for many years have a treasure trove of memories, both good and bad. And what about the purchase of food. Anyone who has a family or who cooks for one alone must find time to go to the grocery store or a farmer's market or roadside stand to buy the food before they can eat it. I know you all have many possible food stories buried in your memory. But why would you want to write about food? And in what kind of writing?
1. Memoir pieces--this is a natural. I wrote a piece once about my grandfather who was dying of cancer and his wish to see me before the end. I was only 9, but my parents put me on a train and my grandmother met me. We went to the boarding house where Grandpa lived and where Grandma had come to care for him, even though they'd live separated for many years. All that was important but I wove in my grandmother's love of fresh raspberries and how she taught me while I visited about eating them with real cream, how the memory of that stays with me to this day. I even used 'raspberries' in the title of the piece. It was published at Heart Touchers and also placed in a contest. Read it here if you are interested.
2, Personal Essays--food can figure into this kind of writing, too. You might use an example of eating in a restaurant or at a family dinner, citing what you ate, who prepared it and more. The food story could be a tool to help you drive the point of the essay to the reader.
3. Travel articles--one of the great joys of travel is the food we encounter in different places. It's a natural to include when writing about a place you visited and are recommending to others. I once wrote a piece about pub fare in the UK and Ireland trying to help fight the long held thought that the food in that part of the world was pretty awful. Check it out here. Most people like to enjoy food when traveling, so offer them something about that part of travel.
4. Fiction--yes, you can feature food in a piece of fiction as well. It's something we all relate to and can be used to bring in many sensory details. The food does not have to be the feature but can act as an enhancer in a short story or even a novel.
5. Articles--of course, many magazines and websites seek articles on food and cooking. If you're really an expert, head for this area.
6. Poetry--poems can deal with food, too. How about writing Ode To A Pumpkin? Or any other kind of food? You could do that.
7. Family Stories--being one to always promote writing your family stories, this is a natural when it comes to food. Many of us have family stories that revolve around food in some way. My grandmother's bakery figures in many of my family stories. She only had it until I was 5, but I remember so many things about it very clearly. It obviously left a big impression on me and is probably the reason I still enjoy baking. I know that you all have food stories that you could write for your Family Stories Book.
A few triggers to help you get started:
- What was your favorite meal as a child?
- Was your mom a good cook, or not so hot?
- What do you remember about Grandma's kitchen?
- What was the first food you helped prepare?
- What specialty foods did your family always have on holidays?
- What was your worst food disaster?
- Did you ever win a prize for something you prepared?
- What trip stood out more for the food than anything else?
- What food did you absolutely detest?
- Did you ever have a time when you didn't have enough to eat?
- How did food affect the rest of your life?
Yes, food is a big part of life and it can be a major source when looking for a topic in your writing life.
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