Monday, December 29, 2014

Three Topics For A Monday

How about starting the week with a call for submissions to a new contest? This one is for the poets. It's sponsored by RhymeZone and has a theme. It also has some nice prizes. Ten winners will each receive $500. Now that got your attention most likely. The theme is Understanding. One little word but up to your personal interpretation. You can find all the details here. Deadline to enter is February 1, 2015 and winners will be announced March 1, 2015. Be sure to read the guidelines carefully.

One of my blog posts of a couple months ago has landed as feature article in the December issue of the Publishing Syndicate's newsletter. When publisher, Dahlyn McKowen contacted me soon after the blog post came out and asked if she could use it in the newsletter, I was mighty pleased. Publisher's Syndicate is the group that has brought numerous Not Your Mother's Book On... books to the reading public. I have had stories in a few of the anthologies. You can read the newsletter here.  If you're interested in signing up to receive the monthly newsletter that has tips for writers, check this page.

I had a lovely gift on Christmas Eve morning in my email inbox. There was a notice of payment transferred via paypal to me from the Chinese publisher of the Red Squirrel magazine for children in the 8-12 year age group. Several of my children's stories have been published in the magazine, translated into Chinese. The editor says that Chinese children are very interested in American stories, especially historical ones. The story just published in Just Plain Sarah Jane. The title of the story popped into my head one evening while I was watching tv. No story, just the title. It kept coming back to me until finally, I sat down one day and wrote a story to go with the title. It's not the usual way it works, but for this one, it did. The story has been published several times. You can read it here


  1. Speaking of your stories, I recall one from Our Echo days that I loved. It centered around coal miners and had a young boy in it. Has it ever been published?

    1. No Kathy, it has not been published. I am putting it as one of my goals for this year, maybe self-publish it. We'll see. Pleases me that you liked it. I've revised it off and on and hope it keeps getting better.


Writers Helping Writers

Today's poster is meant to bring a smile. Something that brings a smile to people is when we help one another. I've seen a lot of th...