National Senior Poet
Laureate Competition
I learned of a contest for poets recently that has two major requirements. The poets who enter must be over 50 years of age and a U.S. citizen.
Earlier contests sponsored by Great Spirit Publishing have resulted in a book of the winners and finalists with the title Golden Words.
There is a small entry fee of $5 for the first entry and an additional $3 for each entry thereafter. Guidelines can be found here. As always, read them carefully and follow step by step.
I found the direction about the cover letter not quite as clear as I'd have liked it to be but a quick query message to the editor cleared it up quickly. FYI, the cover letter can be sent as an attachment to your entry or sent as a separate email. Just be sure to use the subject line entry that is given in the guidelines.
The fee(s) are paid separately by snail mail. Unusual? Yes. But if you want to enter a contest, you must follow the rules. Actually, it helps those people who do not have a paypal account, so it's not really a big deal.
Since I'm a U.S. citizen and over 50, I plan to enter two poems in this contest. There are two categories, Rhymed and Unrhymed, which leaves a wide choice.
Did I mention prize money? How could I forget? There is a $500 prize for National Senior Poet Laureate and a $100 prize for National Honor Scroll. It's hinted that there may be other prizes given at the discretion of the 2014 contest board. The more entries there are, the more prize money is available.
Poets--go through your files and select your best work, published or unpublished, and send it before the June 30, 2014 deadline. Spread the word to your poet friends so they, too, can enter.
I have no affiliation with this publishing company and sponsor of the contest. It sounded interesting to me and I wanted to share with other poets who might qualify to enter. Don't be fooled by the word national in the contest title, it is not meant to be sponsored by the U.S. government, instead, it is termed national because poets from all parts of our country are eligible to enter.
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