Friday, December 14, 2012

Write About A Christmas Memory

Our doorbell rang after dinner the other evening. Ken answered and all he could see was this poinsettia plant. Our neighbor girl was holding it and she was completely blocked by the pretty plant. It was a lovely surprise gift from good neighbors. I wanted to share the picture because it si such a cute pot--Santa's boots.

It brought to mind all the many special parts of Christmas, the nice little surprises that come along. Many of them are worthy of a story you can write for your memory book or to submit next year for publication.

Write about the year you were so sick that nothing was going to be done and a neighbor stepped in to help. Write about the year your child had a special desire for a Christmas gift that wasn't going to happen. Write about the year you were to sing a solo at church and ended up with laryngitis.

There are so many small happenings at holiday time. They happen, time passes and they're lost. But they won't be lost if you take some time to write the story.

I've written about our saddest Christmas more than once, when our first baby spent her only Christmas in a children's hospital. Even the sad or tragic events deserve to be written about and kept in your memory book.

So, pour that second cup of coffee tomorrow morning and write about a Christmas memory that was special to you. Who knows, you might come up with a story you can send to Chicken Soup for the Soul for their next Christmas anthology.


  1. Nancy

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    1. I am sorry but I cannot accept editing work for other writers at this time.


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