Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Humorous Side of A Family Christmas

Christmas is a beautiful, heartfelt religious holiday for Christians. The story of Jesus' birth is beloved and stories, essays and poetry have been written about it for centuries. 

But Christmas has it's humorous and fun-filled side, as well. Once Santa Claus came on the scene, writers started sharing the more light-hearted parts of Christmas. To be sure, Santa's gift giving stemmed from the gifts brought by the Three Kings to the Christ Child, so it still adheres to the true Christmas story. 

But soon, we were reading about Mrs. Claus and the elves, the reindeer, including Rudolph with his red nose. Frosty, the Snowman came into being and we all watched A Charlie Brown Christmas many times with our children. That's what the entertainment industry gave us. How much better than some of these violent movies of today! 

In our own families, there have been humorous and fun-filled times in Christmases past. We need to record those times that brought the warmth of family and a sense of enjoyment. Think back over the years and which Christmases come to mind first? Those are the ones you should write about for your memory book or for a nostalgic personal essay to submit to an editor next fall. 

Maybe your most memorable Christmas moment has to do with a dinner disaster or a fully-decorated Christmas tree that fell or a funny gift that someone gave you. Think about those moments today, jot down some notes and write it later--after Christmas if necessary. But don't pass up the opportunity to record some family history for your children and grandchildren. 

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