Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Worker Or A Shirker?

Orange Man Character Mascot Building Inspector clipart

Elderly Man Smoking a Pipe while Reading the Paper in an Easy Chair clipart

Yesterday, I urged writers to join a writers organization of some kind, either state, national or international. Any one, or all three if you are so inclined. But joining is only step one.

I firmly believe that, if you become a member of a club or association, you need to give something of yourself to the group. Sadly, it seems there is little middle ground when it comes to those who are willing to do the work and those who prefer to absorb what is happening from their chair. 

So, what happens? A handful of members do the lion's share of the work. No organization can function without leadership and others willing to serve on committees. Ooooh, I hate that! say those who never volunteer. They usually have a basketful of excuses. Many of the excuses (maybe I should say 'reasons' ) are perfectly valid. And acceptable. But there are also some pretty weak reasons given.

Granted, not everyone is a leader, but almost all of us can serve on a committee or do the legwork. Let me tell you what happens if you agree, no matter how reluctantly, to do a job for your group. Doesn't matter how big or small it is. You'll get to know the people in the group better and you'll raise your interest level. You might even discover that it's fun!

It's not fair to ask a few people to carry the load alone. You don't have to volunteer for every job that comes along, but once in awhile, give it a try. The leaders in a group get burned out if they have to keep leading year after year. When that happens, organizations tend to crumble, bit by bit, until they are no longer in existence. I've seen it happen, and it's not pretty. It's unbelievably sad.

So, I'm suggesting that you become a worker in your group, not a shirker. 


  1. Bless you, Nancy! I know sometimes people shy away because the job seems so big, but if everyone put a little more into it, the job for each gets smaller. But mostly, what you get OUT of an organization grows so much deeper when you put a little in. The people you meet become friends. Your world simply gets bigger.

  2. Exactly Tracy. And where else would we have met other than at Kansas Authors Club? Joining a group like KAC has widened my writing world and enriched it.


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