Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Good News For Me and Maybe For You

I've written previously about a website for women who write memoir stories that I like. You'll find a wealth of information at www.womensmemoirs.com Besides that, Kendra Bonnett and Matilda Butler, editors of the site, offer a series of contests.

This year, they are running a monthly contest. My valentine story won Honorable Mention in February, and yesterday I learned that I'd won first place in the March contest. The theme was anything green, so I sent in "Kissing The Blarney Stone."  Yes, they accept previously published stories.

The editors decided to divide the submissions into three categories--good things, difficult times, and life observed. My story won in the good things category. It was published on the site yesterday morning, and the other two first place winners had their stories published later in the day. You can go to the site to see the three stories that were winners. http://womensmemoirs.com/memoir-scrapbooking/memoir-contest-winners-announced-for-reflections-on-green-contest/

There was no prize money or gift. The reward was publication of the story and the self-satisfaction that comes with having your writing recognized and applauded. It's also a nice clip to add to your collection of publications.

Womens Memoirs has another contest that they run on a regular basis. This one asks for a memoir piece about a family recipe and the recipe is to be included. Almost everyone has a favorite family recipe, but if you can come up with a good story relating to it, you can enter this contest. Take a chance. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Besides all that, it's good practice to enter a smaller contest in preparation for some of the bigger ones down the road.

Here's he link to the full 11 monthly contests being run at this webisite for 2011. http://womensmemoirs.com/contests/  The March deadline is for stories relating to April, including Easter.

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