Thursday, November 12, 2009

Party Time

This morning I'm going to my P.E.O. meeting. This international women's group rasies money to fund six projects that provide scholarships for women. Having always been an advocate of education for women, I am delighted to belong to this worthwhile community of women with a cause.

Each chapter within the larger organization sends money for the individual projects. We all know that it takes a lot of work to have a fundraiser in any organization. For many years, my chapter held an auction at the November meeting. We each purchased and donated an item to be auctioned. Two of our more outgoing members acted as auctioneers and provided a good time for all in attendance. We bid on the items we wanted and ended up making around $1000 at each auction.

Then one year, someone said it was really rather silly to purchase an item to donate so that we could then bid on it and pay way more than its value. Plus one of the good auctioneers had moved away. So, what to do?
We mulled over a good many ideas and finally came up with one that pleased all.

At the November meeting, we each bring a check made out to the chapter, drop it in a decorated basket and then have a Mimosa Party. Orange juice and champagne mixed together slides down quite easily along with the many goodies the hostess provides. Conversation and laughter ring through the air. The Mimosa Party Fundraiser is easy and fun, but best of all, it adds to the scholarship funds which enable other women to fulfill a dream by completing their education.

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