Monday, April 30, 2012

Thank A Writer Friend

My writing world is filled with other writers. Is it a misery loves company situation? Not really. But it is definitely good to have other writers to whine to once in awhile. Writers struggle every day to come up with the perfect publishable story, and when we don't, it's great to have an empathetic person to talk to.

Only another writer can understand what is involved in producing that successful story. They know about the time, effort, rewrites and frustration that roll back and forth during the process. They're the ones who can lift you up when the black cloud hovers over your head longer than you ever thought possible. Your writer friends can look at your story with objective eyes and help you see what is needed to make it better.

Think about the people in your life who are friends but also writers. How about those folks in your critique group? Sure, they point fingers at places in your stories that need work, but isn't that being your friend? Their aim is not to tear you down, make you gnash your teeth or give up a project. They want to help you become a better writer. Can't ask for a better friend than that.

How about people who have a special writing buddy? These duos trade work and provide needed feedback to one another. Do it long enough and you get to know one another very well. Writing buddies create a strong bond. 

Maybe you belong to a writer's organization that is either local or statewide, or even national. You run into the same people over and over again. You attend workshops together, chat over coffee, and discuss the literary world. A lot of them can be classified as your 'writer friends.' 

Writer friends do a lot for us. So how about saying thank you to a few of the special ones in your writing world? Tomorrow is May Day. Send a bouquet or a single bloom to those who are especially helpful to you? You don't need to call a florist. Send a floral e-mail message which doesn't cost a dime. Or forget the flowers altogether and write a Thank You note. I assure you the recipients will be pleased to read it. Send it to a writing group or an individual, but send it. 

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