Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fun In The Sun

Today is our last day in Florida having fun in the sun. We fly home tomorrow. I have a book that I'd planned to read while here, but our lazy days of relaxing have left me little reading time nor even the inspiration to do so. Somehow, sitting on the lanai and watching the waves tip-toe ashore has been more interesting. Some parts of the day, those same waves crash against the beach.

This morning, there were several sailboats bobbing along the waves, and I saw what may have been a dolphin jump out of the water and dive back in. If close enough, I might have heard him holler "Whee!" as he jumped.

Yesterday afternoon, an old friend brought lunch to the condo, and the four of us ate, talked and played bridge all afternoon. At one time, all four of us had lived in the same city in Illinois. Only a few years, but we formed lasting friendships.

Last evening, we ate a wonderful German restaurant,in the Sarasota area, trading in seafood dishes for schnitzel. The food at Hinrich's was as good as what we've eaten in Germany, red cabbage seasoned perfectly, sauerkraut that was not too sour, spaetzle done to perfection as was the schnitzel. But tonight, I hope we will go to a seafood place again for our last dinner out on this trip.

Once again, I noted interesting people in the restaurant, including the cooks who work behind the bar on a big grill and the waiter. The owners are from Germany, the waiter hails from Massachusetts, but they all worked together perfectly. in
The only dim cloud during this week's visit came about yesterday when I broke a tooth, or at least a portion of it. It was an experience I've heard others mention but I've never had to deal with it. Why now, when we are so far from home. I called a friend at home and asked her to make me an appointment with my dentist for Monday. So, until then, it's a jagged, broken off tooth in the lower back that I'm dealing with. Happily, it doesn't hurt, so I can handle chewing on the other side until Monday. I see big $$ ahead for the fix, however. T

1 comment:

  1. Even a simple trip to the dentist is high dollar. Glad it didn't cause you pain and ruin your vacation.


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