Wednesday, October 20, 2010

AtThe Beach

We've been enjoying the Florida Gulf coast the last couple days. It was worth the long day of airports and planes on Monday. Three couples who haven't seen one another for a year and a half have a lot of talking to do.

Yesterday morning, I walked the beach and collected seashells for my two youngest grandchildren. This is off season here, so there are no crowds, but the weather is in the mid-eighties, sunny and a light breeze. Between fewer folk and great weather, it's kind of perfect.

Later in the day, Alice, Bonnie and I went to downtown Venice which is filled with cute little shops. We had lunch outside. We all had fried green tomatoes with lump crabmeat on top and a pear remoulade to top it. Mmmm, yummy stuff. I didn't buy much but enjoyed looking at the very Florida-like merchandise.

Alice is in a wheelchair for a few weeks while a broken pelvis heals. She amazes me the way she gets around and is so independent. Insists on wheeling herself instead of being pushed. She barely makes it in and out the shop doors. I could write a book about the health issues this woman has had the past twenty years and the marvelous attitude she's retained through it all. Having a helpful husband who is a super baker and cook helps, as they like to entertain.

I saw a lot of older couples as we shopped yesterday, and they all seemed to be helping one another. A good message for every American. If we'd all stop and help one another a little more, it might be a better world. Now, there's a subject for an essay. You see, everyday sights bring many things to mind.

When the men came home from the golf course and got cleaned up, we had cocktails and hors d'ouevres before heading to a seafood restaurant on the beach for dinner. Neighbors of our hosts joined us. Two interesting people originally from Canada. The more I spoke with the woman, the more I wanted to include her as a character in a story.

Today, another old friend is coming over to join we three women for the day. More chatter, I'm sure and maybe a little bridge and lunch. It's kind of nice to get out of the everyday routine for a short time.

1 comment:

  1. Vacations with good friends would be a welcome change from routine life. Sounds like fun!


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