Friday, September 16, 2022

Looking For Stories to Write


I spent my day in a hospital waiting room yesterday. My husband was in for a diagnostic test, scheduled at 1 p.m. We were to be there at 11:30 a.m. His test was delayed until almost 4 p.m. due to an emergency situation and other peoples' tests taking longer than usual. Thus, a very long wait for me and my daughter. 

We watched people come and go through the day. The hospital allowed 2 family members, but there were at least two larger family groups. Rules? Those must be for other people, they must have thought. 

Watching people and overhearing bits and pieces of their conversations was a glorious field of stories waiting to be told. I didn't have a notebook with me to jot down some ideas of what I saw in these people. They're all still in my memory bank this morning, and I can make those notes today.

Chatting with the nurses after the procedure while my husband was being monitored made me realize that each of them also had a story. In visiting with them, I learned a lot about each one. 

Wherever you go, there are people who have a story. The writer is the one to unearth that story through observation and conversation. In addition, you see people you can use as the basis for a character. 

The important thing is to be observant and to make notes when you can. Train yourself to be watchful.

The poster for today tells us we walk past myriad stories every day, but only the good writers will see a handful. Most see none at all. 

Watch for the interaction of two or a group of people. There could be a story unfolding right before your eyes. When you feel like there is nothing left to write about, take a good look around you. You should be able to find a story, a basis for an essay, or article, or even a poem. 

My husband's tests came out alright for which we are grateful. 


Writers--Take Your Time!

  One of the toughest lessons to learn when you first start writing is to take you time. You're eager. You're inspired. You're e...