Thursday, August 25, 2022

Blessings in My Writing World


Yesterday's post centered on rejection and the reactions we have to that situation. So today, let's do a complete reverse and concentrate on the blessings in our writing life.

The one time of the year when most people count their blessings is Thanksgiving, and that's great. But there's a whole lot more of the year when we should do the same. That goes for our writing life, as well as the rest of it.

One of my writing world blessings is this blog. It gives me a platform to be able to give something to other writers. The blog has also given me a connection to writers around the world and allowed me to develop friendships with writers I've never met in person. Thank you Blog!

Another blessing in my writing world is my online writers' group. Oh my, I'm not sure how I'd get along without them. They are a fantastic sounding board. They give critiques on my writing to help me polish a piece and make it ready to submit. They allow me to read and critique their submissions which helps me indirectly, as well. I read the critiques on other peoples' submissions and learn from them. Thank you Writers Group!

I consider my writing world to have blessed me with keeping my mind sharp as I age. Many seniors stop doing things that are considered mental exercise as they continue to age. Instead, they sit mindlessly in front of the tv and do little to improve their minds. Those who read regularly and those of us who write have upped the odds for keeping mentally fit as the years slip by. Thank you writing world!

I feel blessed that my interest in writing has not faded with the years. If anything, it has increased. Thank you interest in writing!

What would I do without social media and search engines? I feel especially blessed with the help and connections I get from these two parts of the tech world. Thank you social media and search engines.

I've been fortunate to have been published many times in magazines, ezines, and anthologies. I've knocked on the door, and often have seen it open for me. Thank you publications!

I've also been blessed to have many rejections. Sound strange? Maybe. I look at each one as an opportunity to learn something that will help me be a better writer. So yes, thank you rejections!

My state writing organization is one of the stars in my writing world. I have gained so much from the meetings and conventions and conversations with other members. Thank you, Kansas Authors Club!

How about you? What blessings in your writing world are you thankful for all year, not just on Thanksgiving? Make a list and then smile big!

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