Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Ugly Three in Our Writing World


I have an early morning meeting today, so here's a repeat post. Still relevant.

A writer I know has been stressing out about her writing journey recently. She reached out for advice from a group of writers. What better people to seek for aid than ones who have probably also been through the same situation at some time or other? They gave her bits and pieces of their own similar times and offered suggestions. Many ended by sending a hug. 

As a group, writers probably experience the Ugly Three on a regular rotating basis. I consider The Ugly Three to be fear, doubt, and beating up on yourself. For a long time, we never encounter any of these and suddenly, they pop up from nowhere, or so it seems.

The Ugly Three

FEAR:  New writers feel like a non-swimmer diving into the deep end of the pool Sink or swim! Questions abound Will anyone want to read what I've written? Will an editor accept what I send? Can I write well enough to get published? Do I have anything new to say?

Seasoned writers live with their stomach in knots at times, too. Questions feed fear in their minds, too. Can I find something new to write about? Can I please my readers? Will my editor continue accepting my work? Will I run out of things to write about? How long will it take for me to be a household name in the writing world?

DOUBT:  All writers deal with doubt at some time. Some writers wrestle with it on a daily basis. Instead of accentuating the positives in our writing life (go ahead and list them--there are many!), we tend to let the negatives rise to the top and smother the good things. Don't let that happen. Keep reminding yourself that you chose this writing journey; no one forced you into it. You did it because you had a passion for the written word, the desire to be published. Never forget that you continue to grow as a writer with each piece you write. Even so, things roll through your mind. Is this good enough to be published? Will my readers like it? What if I get terrible reviews? What if my editor dumps me? 

BEATING UP ON YOURSELF:   We all do this now and then. We might not go as far as self-flagellation (please do not ever!) but we do let our mind play games with us at times. We put ourselves down with thoughts like Why did you ever think you could be a writer? What made you think an editor would like your work enough to publish it? You're nowhere near as good as your fellow writers. This new story just plain stinks! Does it make you feel better to beat up on yourself? I don't think so. All it does is feed the doubts and fears we might already have. Remember that YOU are in charge of you so take hold of the problem and confront it. 

Do people in other fields run into The Ugly Three, too? Of course, they do. We're all human and we have hurdles to cross now and then, no matter what our field of expertise happens to be. Know that you are completely normal if you suffer from The Ugly Three. Worry only if they take over your writing life completely. If that happens, it may be time to take a break, come back later and assess the matter and reclaim the passion you once had for writing. 

Meanwhile, I'm sending big hugs to any writer who needs one.

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