Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Be a Standout Writer


The photo for today advises us to stand out in the crowd. Don't be like all the others. Make yourself noticed. It's one reason why some of our celebrities dress in outlandish outfits. They want to be the one who is remembered, but many don't seem to care whether that memory is a positive or negative one. 

As writers, we should aim to be the flamingo in the flock of pigeons. We want our writing to stand out from the others. The best way to do that is to work at learning the craft of writing until our it shines above others. How do we accomplish that? Could be a lot harder than it sounds.

A.  Find your writer's voice. The style in which you write is important. You don't want to sound like any other writer. Think of the authors you read frequently. They each have a personal style of writing, one that appeals to you if you continue to read their work. You should aim to be that kind of writer.

B.  Write about a common subject but find a new angle. Approach it from a view others have missed. If you're writing about  a disaster of some kind, use an uncommon person to be your point of view character. In a looming tragedy on a ship at sea, choose a cabin boy or the cook as your pov person. Most would use the captain who has great responsibility. If you are writing about electric cars, look for a  way to view them other than how much good they would do for our atmosphere. Write about  the negatives of electric cars, and you'll stand out from the writers who are supporting them.

C.  Writers sometimes wear certain clothing or hairstyle to stand out in the crowd at a writing conference. I knew a woman who always came to our state convention in a formal. Another always wore a hat of some kind. It didn't mean their writing was any better than the rest, but they became known and perhaps others might want to read their work. It piques interest. 

D.  You'll stand out among writers if you study the craft regularly. Many writers stop reading about writing once they begin to have some success. That's not when you should discontinue studying your craft. Do so on a regular basis. Much of what you read may be old hat to you, but there is always something new to learn. 

To be that flamingo in the crowd of pigeons, give writing everything you've got. Always! Make your writing shine each and every time you write. We all get a little lax at times. When we do, our writing shows that lack. When you edit your drafts, ask yourself 'Is this the very best I can do?' I hope you can give an honest yes as an answer. If not, it's back to the beginning.

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