Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Write About Memorable Moments

We do not remember days,
we remember moments

We do remember the special moments in our lives with a clarity that I find amazing. I've had special moments that have stayed with me for the many decades I've walked this earth, and it's been those moments that have created those memoir stories that seem to be perfect for many anthologies.

Family Stories can come from your own memory or from what other relatives have told you about themselves or others in the family. Thus, those stories also come from memories.

We write both kinds of stories one at a time just as a jewelry designer creates a necklace one pearl at a time. Each pearl has worthiness all its own, but when strung together, it is a lovely creation.

When we write those memoir pieces that come from moments in our lives, then put them together in a binder or in your files, we're also making something to be admired and appreciated. The same goes for writing Family Stories one at a time, then gathering them in one place.

How do we trigger those memories from childhood, teen years, and the rest of our life? Sometimes, we'll see something or someone that suddenly brings a flashback. If I read about or attend a circus, I always remember going to a circus in Chicago as a girl of around 10 or 11 and meeting Hopalong Cassidy, cowboy star of that era. It was a never-to-be-forgotten experience. It happened around 1949, but I remember it clearly.

We remember the things that impressed us or frightened us. Or ones that brought great joy. I wrote a story about a memory that I have treasured all my life. My grandmother took me to Tea at Marshall Field's Walnut Room in 1943 when I was four years old. The place itself was worth remembering, but seeing my grandmother, who worked hard all her life, dressed up in a suit and a splendid hat left a lasting impression, as well. That story ended up in a Chicken Soup book.

I occasionally give you photo prompts to help jumpstart your writing. My friend, Marlene Cullen, of The Write Spot gives writing written prompts on her blog. Many will act as a trigger for long-buried memories. For those who have trouble getting story ideas, these prompts, both photo and written ones, can be very helpful.

The quote today, "We do not remember days, we remember moments." is anonymous. It's a lovely thought, isn't it?

Take those moments you remember, write about them, and string them like pearls as you move on your writing journey.


  1. Wow! You met Hopalong Cassidy! Besides my Hopalong Cassidy gun and holster, I remember having a Hopalong Cassidy bedroom set that included curtain, throw-rug, and bedspread. I was ALL IN!

    1. How funny! My younger brother won a coloring contest in the Chicago Tribune, I think. He won tickets to the circus and an opportunity to go backstage and meet Hopalong. A group of kids were there to meet him in his usual black outfit. I remember him reaching out and patting me on the cheek and saying "Hi Sweetie." A memorable moment!


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