Thursday, April 2, 2020

Where Has My Muse Gone?

My Muse

As if the pandemic and all it involves isn't enough to deal with, I have been having major computer problems. Add the disappearance of my muse, and I am not a happy person. Dealing with the pandemic is a day by day situation, and I've been coping fairly well by staying home and practicing all the things we have been urged to do. 

The computer is a real problem because where can I go right now to get it cleaned up, fixed, or replaced? I'm assuming most of the stores like Best Buy and Staples are closed. Or are they considered essential? I will have to check that out.

The third problem--my muse disappearing--is something I'm not sure how to deal with. Where did that little imp go? Here I am with lots of time to write, and all I manage to do is write a blog post five days a week. The rest is not happening. I did write a letter the other day, but that doesn't count as 'writerly writing.' 

How many times have you said If I just had more time to write, I'd be so happy. The time has been given through the self-isolating I've been doing, but the desire to write is around 3 on a scale of 1-10. I'm not alone with this problem. My online writing group has been writing their thoughts and feelings each day of the pandemic, but we have titled our efforts pendemic. I've noticed that many are saying that, as much as they'd like to write, they don't seem to have the desire to do so. Those stories and poems and essays are stuck in our heads, not happening in print.

Perhaps their muses are off on a desert island with mine, somewhere safe and pleasant. Are they going to stay there until life returns to something resembling normal? It's possible. 

How about you? Are you writing like mad? Or has your muse sauntered off somewhere leaving you feeling uninspired? 

I usually try to give a solution to a problem or a way to approach one. My only suggestion today is to sit down and start writing. Maybe, if you begin, you'll want to keep going. Any comments or suggestions are most welcome. And if you see my muse, send her home immediately, please.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Nancy I just wrote a note and it seems to have vanished somewhere.I love your articles and essays. This pandemic has frightened my muse too.I have lost the desire and energy to write.There is fear and fear has blocked the writer. I hope and pray your muse returns home soon.Waiting..sincerely Anjum W Dar


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