Thursday, January 9, 2020

Stories Needed For Anthology on Strong Women

Chicken Soup for the Soul has a call for stories for a new title in their series of anthologies. This is a change from the original title of the book which was You Go, Girl. They have changed titles before publication on a few other books, and it always makes me wonder why. Color me curious! 

Nevertheless, stories are needed in a short time frame for Be You. Deadline is January 31. The stories should illustrate the three things listed in the subtitle--Affirmation, Determination and Female Empowerment. In a nutshell, they are seeking tales about strong women who aren't afraid to make their mark in this world. 

The following is taken from their call for stories page: 
We are looking for your true stories on how you are living your best life, building quality relationships, and living well even while overcoming challenges, to be the best version of YOU. Your story will inspire and encourage women of all ages to be unapologetically themselves!

Note the words true and stories. They are two of the major guidelines. What you send must be true, and it must be a story with a beginning, middle, and end. A story that illustrates the theme. It cannot be a factual essay or a sermon. A story! Many who submit do not adhere to these two specific guidelines and their subs are tossed immediately. 

On the Possible Book Topics page, you'll see the call for the Be You book. There will be a list of possible topics to help trigger your memory. The list is quite lengthy, so spend some time studying it to see if you have something you might write about. 

Next, go to the Story Guidelines page and study the lengthy guidelines. Again, it will be to your benefit to know what the guidelines tell you. If you choose not to follow them, your sub will be discarded. A word about guidelines--you'll find publications, contests etc that give lengthy guidelines, a short bit of guidelines, or none at all. I prefer knowing exactly what a publication or contest wants. Note that root word 'guide' which is to help you find your way to success.

The lot of women has changed greatly over the years, and this is your opportunity to show how you became a modern, strong, determined woman. Go for it! But get those stories in by January 31st. 

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