Friday, November 1, 2019

The Bountiful Fruits of Writing

The Bountiful Fruits of November

 As always, when I turn the calendar page to a new month, I had a little feeling of starting over and wondering what the month would bring. It certainly affords us the fall fruits and vegetables pictured above to grace our Thanksgiving tables. 

What kind of bountiful fruits could November bring to writers? Wouldn't we all like to add a published piece to our resume? Or get an encouraging note from an editor? Or write something that we are excited about? 

The answer to all the questions above is a resounding Yes! How are we to achieve a yes to any of the questions? There are ways to do so. We must use our writing time wisely. We need to give our all in whatever writing project we're working on. We need to submit our work, not let it gather dust in a file.

We need to act on the story ideas that pop into our minds at the craziest moments of the day. Thinking about them doesn't get the writing done. Of course, we can't always stop what we're doing, rush to the computer and start pounding the keyboard. But, we can jot down notes to use as reminders when we do have the time to write. If you're like me, you've had many story ideas that never came to fruition. Maybe for lack of time, or perhaps the idea didn't seem so good after you thought about it for a while. We don't want those ideas to fade away because we didn't them the attention required.

We need to plan ahead. It's hard to get in the mood to write an Easter or Passover story in early November, but that is when it needs to be written and submitted, possibly even earlier. Who wants to write a Christmas story in May or June? You could wait until the actual holiday arrives and let the excitement and trappings inspire you. Then, hold the story until six months later to submit for the following year. 

The next couple of months are busy ones with holiday preparations about to become reality. We'll need to plan writing time carefully. You don't want to push it aside for a full two months. Work out a schedule so that you continue writing at least some part of the day. 

Work on all the things mentioned, and you could be reaping the bountiful fruits of your writing. 

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