Friday, October 11, 2019

A Puzzlement For This Writer

That's me feeling frustrated and somewhat irritated. I post my blog link each weekday on several Facebook pages that have a writing theme. For all the years I've done so, I've never had a problem until yesterday.

I received notice that those blog posts on Facebook pages for the past 3-4 days were blocked. I could see them, but no one else. I wrote a short note in the box given telling the Facebook people that my posts had no profanity, no political views, nothing that would go against their 'Community Standards' which was the reason given. I should have added that there was nothing sexual or controversial at all.

I had to leave for the afternoon soon after discovering this revolting situation. When I returned, I found something that led me to the Support page where I found a long, very long, list of my posts that they had banned. One by one, I had to go through the list and click several times to request a review of each one. By the time I returned from dinner last evening, 3 had been reinstated while the others were 'under review.' Still 'under review' this morning. 

I have been a Facebook member for years, have posted my blog essays there with nary a problem. Why now? Out of the blue? Computer filters are part of the problem, I'm sure. They may help but also create trouble for individuals like me, the innocent victim. I am very careful to never post anything that could be a problem. That includes my personal posts as well as the blog posts.

I am a writer, just like the majority of my readers. I want to reach my readers, just as any writer does. Facebook is making it feel like scaling a 20-foot wall, slipping and sliding back all the way. 

If anyone has any thoughts on how to make sure this never happens again, I would love to hear about it. The people who have subscribed to this blog will still receive it via email. That has nothing to do with Facebook. But I have many other readers who read on those writing themed Facebook pages. 

This certainly shows how vulnerable and reliant we are on technology and social media. When it works, it's great. When it doesn't, you're gonna look like the guy above.  

I'm going to post now to those writing themed pages, but I wonder if it will work. Has Facebook forgiven innocent me or still out to punish?


  1. Yes it looks like I don't get your link right now!

    1. Where do you usually see the link--what writing related fb page?

  2. "Banned in Boston" could be your next blog title. Sorry to hear about your encounter with social media speed bumps. One of my favorite questions I ask myself is, "How can I use this?" Obviously, you already responded to the challenge and posted about it (and are hoping it isn't blocked). Maybe you'll get a few more people to recognize the advantage of becoming a subscriber to your blog.

    1. It has been suggested that someone "reported" me to FB. Why anyone would do that is beyond me. And it is only supposition. I have writter twice to Facebook and have all the posts under 'review' but no solution so far.


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