Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Do Writers Have To Follow The Rules?

I'm one of many bloggers who write to help and encourage writers. Besides the bloggers, there are a large number of how-to books written by authors. Every writer should be thankful to have both sets of writers whose aim is to help other writers by sharing their expertise. 

We urge writers to read these books and blogs so that they can soak up as much information on 'how to be a writer' as possible. I am one of those who tell writers to read all they can about our craft. 

Our poster for today makes a good point. We are all individuals, and not everyone fits into the same file drawer. Some are rebels who prefer not to adhere to the rules. Some merely march to the tune of a different drummer. Cliche, it may be, but it's quite true that not everyone follows the rules of our craft. For whatever reason, we are not little robots popped off an assembly line.

If you feel that a certain method of writing is not the one for you, so be it. There are no laws saying you must write this way or that way. 

I do, however, strongly suggest that you read some of those books and blogs about writing. They are, after all, meant to help you. Some might say they are scared to death after reading a writing reference book. It's too much to write like those authors tell you. Even if you don't want to follow the unwritten rules other writers offer, at least learn what they are. Be aware of what the norm is. Then, break away if you feel you must. 

Be flexible. You can write like the books tell you but maybe not 100%. If there's an area you shake your head at, then do it your way. 

One thing to remember is that the people who write how-to books on writing have been successful in the field. For me, that says I should sit up and pay attention to what they are telling me. It doesn't mean I have to follow at the 100% level. 


  1. Thanks for posting this Nancy. Some of us, even all of us, have our own unique situation to elaborate upon. I don't think there are any "cut-and-dried" writing adventures to be had. In some instances, the situation is common, with a completely different flavor. In my case, it was my recovery after being a passenger in a car wreck. My life has changed forever and I can never return to the doldrums of every day life. So be it.

  2. Exactly right. We are all different people with unique situations.

  3. I like your style as it is free and easy!


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