Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Writers Helping Writers

Helping Hands

Recently, a reader contacted me asking if I knew of anyone in our town that might help read and critique her second memoir. Was there a writing group for memoir writers? It seems she and I live in the same community. Small world! I told her I'd check with another writer friend here and get back to her.

Yesterday, I happened to be in a group with that writer friend. I told her about the request I'd had, and she said her writing group was for novelists and also closed at this time. But, she offered to talk with the woman who had contacted me. Long story short, the emails flew later in the afternoon and the two of them connected and let me know what they had talked about. Writers helping writers! 

I'm always pleased to see writers helping other writers in multiple ways. Some might think we shouldn't do that because we're actually competing with one another. That's the wrong way to look at it. You're competing with other writers at all times and giving a bit of aid to one occasionally is not going to hurt your chances for publication. 

Giving a hand to another writer can be more beneficial than a hindrance. If you're in a writing group, you signed on to get some help to make your writing the best it can be. When you joined, there was also an unwritten agreement that you'd help others, as well. 

Have you ever been on a planning committee for a writing conference? Ever had to find speakers for the workshops and keynote address? I did that just last year. If I had not been a member of my state authors organization for nearly 20 years, I would have had a much more difficult job. I tapped people to speak from the organization, but I also found speakers whom I had met through my writing. I've found that the personal connection is most helpful in getting requests answered in the positive. 

I've met writers online and have developed a relationship with many. I've asked quite a few to post here as a Guest Blogger. Because they knew me and had read my blog, they were willing to answer my request with a yes. Where did I meet these writers online? Most of them through social media. There is no doubt that Facebook, Twitter, and similar social media sites are connectors. I joined them to promote my writing, not just to chat with personal friends and family. (I do that, too!) I have made numerous contacts with other writers.

When we're willing to give some help to other writers, we're going to benefit in some way at some time. Don't do it, however, only for the rewards you might reap, but because it is a kindness to give assistance to others in some way. In this turmoiled world we live in today, I'm all for spreading kindness whenever and wherever possible. 

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