Wednesday, May 15, 2019

A Link To Writing Contests and More

May Flowers--Just because...

Besides publications, writers should consider entering contests. If you place, you will get a prize or publication and a credit to add to your file. If you lose, you still gain by preparing an entry and submitting. That in itself is good experience.

Yesterday, I accidentally ran across a link to a blog written by author, Erica Verillo. The title is Publishing...And Other Forms of Insanity. Clever. The post I found was one that had a list of 16 recurring writing contests to enter that have no fees. Sixteen in on fell swoop is a treasure trove. Check it out here. Be sure to read what Ms. Verillo has to say about entering contests. I couldn't have said it better myself. 

I've heard writers ask where one finds information about writing contests. It's not difficult to put writing contests in a search engine and wait seconds for the list they'll send. You can refine your search by using keywords like writing contests with no fees or writing contests with cash prizes. I'm amazed at the number of people who don't take advantage of a search engine to help find whatever it is they are seeking. 

Keep in mind that many no-entry-fee contests give smaller prizes or just publication as a prize. For many writers, that's just fine. If you're aiming for the big prize money, expect a large entry fee. It's the way these contest managers accumulate the funds to award to the winners. 

Does your state writers association have an annual contest? Maybe the individual districts run writing contests, as well. Our local library sponsors a writing contest for school children to commemorate Martin Luther King Day. Check your own local library for contest possibilities. 

Many writers shy away from contests because they have little confidence in their own writing ability. You'll never know if you are a winner if you don't enter. Pump yourself up a bit and send in a piece you feel good about. The very first poem I submitted to a contest won 1st place. No one was more surprised than I. At the time, I had written very little poetry, knew next to nothing about writing poetry. Even so, I came up with a winner. So, I know it can happen. It doesn't matter if it is a poem, an essay. a memoir piece or fiction. 

I think that we enter contests because we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Well, maybe you lose the entry fee, but you wouldn't have entered if you had a problem with losing that bit of cash. For the winners, what better boost of confidence can a writer have? 

Check the list in the link above to see if there are any contests you might consider entering. Then look for others via a search engine. As for me, my state writing contest deadline is only a month away. I have several pieces in mind to submit, but it's time for me to get them in final form and entered. 

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