Friday, February 22, 2019

Writers and Interruptions

My intention today was to write my blog post early this morning and then go out to do errands. Good intentions often go astray. My phone has been ringing nonstop. I thought about a poem I wrote quite some years ago that addresses the interruptions of life.

For those who write at home, it appears that one small thing after another delays your writing. I have one writer friend who had a problem with her husband soon after he retired. She was deep into writing a nonfiction book, working many hours each day in her home office. Said husband kept popping in asking questions, making her lose her train of thought. The questions were not dire, just little things. She finally had a talk with him, telling him she needed to work without interruptions. Her solution was to make a sign that she fastened to the door of her office when she wanted peace and quiet. The sign said Writer Working. To his credit, her husband honored it, knocking softly only when he had something important to relay.

We read articles that tell us how to manage our writing time. I've written a few myself. No matter what we do, those little interruptions are bound to come now and then. Maybe my solution this morning should have been to let the answering machine accept a message instead of answering myself. The poem is below. I am quite sure many of you can relate. If you like it, you might consider sharing it with other writers.

Good Intentions

I shall write today,
I very often say...
But first, I must
rid the house of dust,
then a quick sweep
of all the floors I keep.

I shall write today,
I very often say…
But, there’s the phone
calling for me alone.
Next, a cup of coffee
before I’m truly free.

I shall write today,
I very often say…
Here comes my friend
before I can write again.
Her visit takes awhile,
but brings a happy smile.

I shall write today,
I very often say…
Make dinner, feed the cat,
and then, more after that.
Soon, it’s time for bed.
I’ll write tomorrow instead!

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