Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Question For Writers

How long have you been thinking about writing the first chapter of a new book? Has it been months, or even years, that you've considered writing your Family Stories? Are the beginning lines of a poem swirling in your head but never seem to get written as a full poem? Have you thought about trying your hand at writing but just never seem to get around to it? Is there an essay on a traumatic event you experienced that you've wanted to write, but...?

The wannabe writer thinks about getting started but something holds them back. Fear, lack of self-confidence, unable to create time to do it--any or all of these may be the reason. But, if they don't do it now, when will they?

Those of us who have been writing for years seem to be able to put things off with no guilt. I find that the longer I delay on a new project, the easier it is to keep delaying. I've learned that, if I have an idea for a new story or poem, I'd better jump on it or it might never get accomplished.

When an idea or inspiration for a new project throws itself in front of us, that's the time to act. If you don't do it now, when will it happen? The longer you let the idea dangle like the carrot in front of the donkey, the harder it will be to get started.

How many of you have wanted to write a book of your Family Stories but it's never been more than a lovely thought that dips and swirls through your mind now and then? If not now, when? When will it happen? Or maybe we should ask ourself--Will it ever happen?

How about that first draft that you've slipped into a file and left there for weeks, maybe months? Will it ever get edited? Is it going to be submitted someday or will it gather dust while you move on to something else? Do you have an unfinished book manuscript squirreled away in a file but have never gotten around to trying to market it to a publishing house? 

I've posed a lot of questions. Do you have the answers or will you continue the delay or postpone or forget-it process? Sure, it's sometimes scary to work on these projects when we don't know all the answers, when we aren't sure it's a worthwhile project or when we're not certain if we should try our hand at writing at all. 

Whatever the situation for you, ask yourself the question that our poster states If not now, when?


  1. Yes! A great point to be aware of. In one paragraph, you mentioned

    " . . . but it's never been more than a lovely thought that dips and swirls through your mind now and then? If not now, when? When will it happen? Or maybe we should ask ourself--Will it ever happen?"

    Too often, I have not acted immediately, or very soon afterward, and the whole idea, or concept, became shattered and I could not recover it. Just during those moments when it was "hot of the press" in my mind and I had clarity. I needed to record those thoughts freshly and clearly. With no impedance.

    Thanks, Nancy for reminding me, for reminding us.



Writers--Take Your Time!

  One of the toughest lessons to learn when you first start writing is to take you time. You're eager. You're inspired. You're e...