Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A Nudge From A Fine Writer

Joyce Finn

Joyce Finn is the moderator of my online writing group. We call her Mother Hen. She keeps track of the group and keeps us in line. She also encourages us as writers. A couple of days ago, she sent a lengthy email about our subs and critiques and other housekeeping topics for the group. As I read the email, a piece of gold emerged in one short section. It was a reminder to us to take time to write and why we write. I loved it so much that I asked Joyce if I might quote her in a blog post. She readily agreed. 

Joyce Finn said: 
This is a reminder to write if you haven’t had time and to remember that writing is your own special private time. Writing also tickles unique places in our brains that don’t get used otherwise. Plus, it documents who we are at this specific moment in our lives…which, as you all know is fleeting. All of life is fleeting, as are possessions and relationships. Write to mark your territory. Document who you are this instant. I have 3 essays I’m dying to write… so this nudge is for me too.

There's a lot to ponder in those few short sentences. I think Joyce could expand this and have a fine essay for a writer's magazine. She begins by reminding us that we should write whether we have the time or not. I especially liked the bit about remembering that when we write, it is our own special time. Think about that the next time you sit down to write. That time is all yours, no other person can claim it. Makes it rather special, doesn't it?

Next, she mentions that writing uses parts of our brain that otherwise would not get used. Interesting, is it not? I particularly liked her wording--...tickles the unique places... 

Then she gives thought to why we are writers, what it does for us. She says that it 'documents who we are at this specific moment in our lives.' As the years go by and we continue to write we are not the same person. As our lives change, so does our writing.  Joyce tells us next to write to 'mark your territory' to 'Document who you are at this instant.'  I agree that our writing defines who we are.

She finishes by telling us that she is giving herself a nudge to write as well as those who are reading what she said. Joyce Finn is a wonderful group moderator and a fine writer but her quote also lets us know she is a wise woman. Let her words give you a little nudge, too.

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