Monday, May 7, 2018

A Medical Leave For A Short Time

Image result for free clipart dr in operating room

What does this cartoon have to do with writing? Not much unless it is a daily journal kept by a patient. 

The patient this time is me! I've been putting off having a total hip replacement for too long, so tomorrow is the big day. I've spent the past month getting ready for the surgery--exercises and buying, also borrowing, this and that to have on hand. 

Yesterday, Ken and I went grocery shopping for things to put in the freezer, ones he can fix easily. He can cook but doesn't do much more than grilling anymore. He's going to be in charge of several tasks while I recover. I think I might get him to do everything but dusting. 

Hoping the recovery is not too long. I am having the surgery done 'the newer way' which, the doctor says, should make for a faster recovery. Exactly what that means is anybody's guess. 

I will return with the Monday to Friday posts as soon as possible. Meanwhile, keep writing and do check the Chicken Soup for the Soul page to see the 9 books for which they need stories. Read the guidelines carefully before submitting. Yes, that number is 9! 

The more I think about it, the better I like the idea of keeping a patient journal. Going to start one today.


  1. Speedy healing, Nancy! You will be missed.

  2. I’ll be thinking of you, Nancy. My husband had his hip replaced last summer with this “new method” and I was amazed how quickly and well he healed. I wish you a speedy recovery. Take good care! Sounds like you have a great partner to get you through. Sending blessings your way.

    1. Thanks Kathy. Glad to hear the encouraging words about your husband's same surgery. :)

  3. My sister-in-law had a hip replacement and she recovered quickly and no longer has that nagging pain. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.

    1. First few days are not fun but I hope it goes better soon. Thanks for the encouraging words.
