Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Get Ready For Poem In Your Pocket Day

2018 National Poetry Month Poster

At the beginning of this month, I wrote a post on National Poetry Month. I said that we can do three things with poetry--write it, read it, or ignore it. The official poster for 2018 is above. 

As a part of this month-long celebration, we celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day, tomorrow, April 26th.  You can read more about the national celebration, which began in New York City and grew to be nationwide here.

You can also participate by selecting a favorite poem, or even writing one, and take it with you tomorrow. Read to fellow workers, commuters, shoppers, classmates, teachers, friends--whoever you might run into on Thursday, the 26th of April. 

Oh wait--you think you'll feel a bit foolish whipping out a piece of paper with a poem on it and reading it aloud? I admit, it is not the usual way we approach those who cross our paths each day. I have a feeling that you might get a few surprised looks at first, but I think many will stop and listen to what you have to say. Not only will they listen but ponder on what they heard as they go about their day. 

There are some who will memorize the poem they have chosen and recite it. No foolishness about it. Others will admire what you have done. Alright--you might receive a giggle or two at first but as you proceed, the giggle will subside. I have a friend who writes poetry. She memorizes her poems and, at Read-Arounds, she dazzles others with her ability to write and recite. 

I would suggest using a relatively short poem, one with a few verses, not the epic sagas that we read in school, no matter how much you liked it. Use a poem you have written or one you have always loved or one you read only recently. 

It will take a few minutes of your time to find you poem, print it (or memorize!) and pop it in your pocket to use all day. You just might add a bit of joy to someone's life when you read your poem. You've seen how people in malls respond to flash dance groups. We all like being entertained and those spur of the moment entertainments rank right at the top of the list of what we enjoy. 

I'd love to hear a report of what occurred when you slipped your poem out of your pocket and proceeded to perform. If I receive enough comments, I'll post them on Friday. 

Image result for free image for poem in your pocket day

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