Wednesday, February 7, 2018

New Call For Submissions From Chicken Soup Publishers

 Chicken Soup for the Soul publishers have added some new titles. Right now, there are calls for submissions to 10 books. It amazes me that they keep coming up with new titles. Granted, some are new stories on themes used before. 

The book cover above is on the Mom theme and there have been several of those. You'll find another in the list they have posted. Other repeats are angel and miracle stories, always popular with readers. 
And of course, more books that need cat and dog stories. And of course, another Christmas themed book. 

A couple that are completely new had the wheels in my head turning in top speed. Maybe these two will trigger a memory for you that would make a good story to submit. 

A completely new title will be on the theme of Grandparents. The call says that when a grandchild is born, grandparents are born, too. They are looking for true stories from grandparents and also from grandchildren about their grandparents. They can be humorous or heart touching but must be true. I've repeated the 'true' requirement because it is so important. No fiction in a Chicken Soup story. Step-grandparents and honorary grandparent stories are also acceptable. 

Another book will be titled The Golden Years--Life After 60. For this one, they are looking for stories about new careers, volunteer opportunity stories, travels, new sports cars, and all the things you do now that you never had time for. 

The Best Advice I Ever Heard is a book that has a deadline date of February 28, 2018. That gives you three weeks to come up with a story about advice given to you or some that you gave to others.

Take some time to study the list of books that need stories. Note the deadlines. You'll find all this information on this page.

One important piece of information. I have noted numerous times that the editors from this anthology series say that the sooner you submit a story for a book, the better chance it has. If you wait until close to the deadline, they may have already found the 101 stories they need to fill the book. An old cliche, but maybe it's true that The early bird catches the worm. 

Last--for those who have never submitted to Chicken Soup, you will not receive a rejection. Why? The editors say they don't like to deal with negatives. If you have not heard from them by two months prior to the release date of the book, then your story did not make it. Considering they get up to 6,000 submissions and choose only 101, your chances of not making it are greater than being accepted. But, if I can do it, so can you. So give it a try. If your story is short-listed, you'll receive a notice but that doesn't mean you're in for sure. After that, they cut a few of the stories and publish the remaining ones. 


  1. Thank you, Nancy, for this information. I have published two stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul books in the last two year, and they are a good market. They pay well,too. I, also, like their ethics.
    Your information (above) is very helpful.

    1. You're most welcome, Jeanne. Good Luck on having another story accepted. Like you, I also like their ethics. (as well as the paycheck!)


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