Thursday, October 1, 2015

Welcome October By Writing About Fall Memories

October has arrived, the tenth month of the year. Blistering summer temps are only a memory now. Cool mornngs and warm afternoons begin the month. By Halloween, it could be downright cold. Or not! October likes to surprise us. Besides a colorful palette, she brings varying weather patterns.
October also brings thoughts of special days among the 31 on the calendar. We have Columbus Day which probably is not recognized as much now as in my growing up years. We learned in grade school why we celebrated this day, why we revered the man who discovered the land we live in. 

And who can ignore Halloween this month? Retailers make sure we don't forget it as do the children of our country who look forward to Halloween. Moms like to decorate with Halloween themes and dads help kids carve jack-o-lanterns. 

There are outings to pumpkin patches across the country and fall festivals. Chilly days bring on soups and stews and chili to warm our innards. In my childhood, October brought the aroma of smoke from piles of leaves that had been raked and set on fire. Now, that's been banned. Sad but understandable for those who suffer lung problems. 

Halloween costumes and parties, Trick or Treat nights and more highlight this month. 

I have a granddaughter who celebrates her birthday in the middle of October. And no doubt, many of you have family birthdays in this month of golden colors in our trees and bushes with some oranges and red hues sprinkled in. Glorious! 

What can you write about in October? How about some family stories or your memories of what October was like during your growing up years? 

In October:

What did you do in school?
What kinds of foods did your mother prepare?
What did your mom do with clothing? Put summer things away and get out the warm woolies? 
What kind of house maintenance was done?
What family outings did you have?
How did you celebrate Halloween?

We have been traveling this week between Kansas and Alabama. We're just a bit too early for the colors but have enjoyed the more moderate temps. Still no jackets to need in the mornings. It's a lovely month to enjoy as we wait for winter to slip up and surprise us. 


  1. Love this piece, Nancy. Especially since fall is almost my favorite time of year. It means winter is not far away and that is my favorite time of year. Tomorrow is my myelogram so I am almost one step closer to a resolution with my back. Once I'm out of this debilitating pain, I'm looking forward to being to write again. You always manage to bring wonderful ideas to mind. Thank you for your wonderful blog and the time you put into it.

    1. I hope you're able to get back to writing very soon, Kathy. I am sure you miss it.


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