Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Worry Is The Enemy

More writers might be classified as worriers than those brimming with self-confidence and 110% positive thinking. Painters, sculptors, musicians and anyone in the creative arts would probably nod in agreement to being a person who worries. It's one reason I write so many posts that I hope will give some encouragement and hope to writers.

It appears to be human nature to worry or to have self-doubts. Am I good enough to win this literary contest? Can I write well enough to get published? Is my poetry of a caliber for readers to praise? Can I write as well as the successful authors? How many rejections will I get this month? Am I ever going to make any money as a writer? On and on it goes. I know because there are times I've been there myself.

Today's poster is full of wisdom. It might be a good one to enlarge and print, then keep it in your writing place. Why waste time worrying when you could be writing? The worry doesn't change a thing but your writing can change your life a lot. 

The more you write, the better writer you will become. The better writer you become, the greater chance you have of being published. When you're published, you have credits that editors like to see. Those credits push you up a few notches when an editor considers your submission.I know what you';re thinking--editors should take each submission as a stand-alone; they shouldn't judge on previous publication history. I agree but many editors do let your writing history come into their decision and there's not much you, the writer, can do about it. 

There are some publications that look for submissions from new, or beginning, writers. They're willing and eager to give newbies a chance. If you don't have a publication history, seek them out when you do a market search. But submit to the others, too. Submit often. You cannot become published if you do not send your work to an editor or publishing house.

Stop worrying and keep writing and submitting your finished work. No matter how many rejections you receive! Think of worry as the enemy and writing as your friend. Avoid the worry and embrace the writing.

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