Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Writer's Satisfaction

As a writer, you're a unique person. You have the ability to do something the majority of people cannot do.

Oh sure, they can put words on a paper or screen but they can't make those words sing like you do. They can't weave a story from beginning to end like you do. They can't write a poem that finds its way into print. They can't create memorable characters or write something that brings tears or a hearty laugh to the reader.

Nope. Most people cannot do it. You, the writer can, so don't ever put yourself down. Those pluses just mentioned above that writers have don't always come easily. None of us plucks the good stuff from the bottom of a closed box. Oh, if only we could!

On the contrary. We work hard at our craft. We revise and edit over and over until we feel the project is finished, or mostly so. I say that because it seems to me few writers are ever 100% happy with what they've written. Aim for 98% and you're good to go.

Consider all the positives in your writing world and pay little heed to the negatives. I know they are there but you needn't dwell on them. It's a fast track to depression if you do so.

Wouldn't we all like to have a lengthy list of our work that has been published? Of course we would. If you've published anything, even if it's only been one time, you have more than many others. Look in the mirror and say out loud, Lucky me! On the other hand, it's not a matter of luck, it's talent and ability. So look in the mirror and say I've done a good job.

We attended a wedding this past weekend. A young woman at our table mentioned in conversation that she's written and published two sci-fi books. The other seven people at the table, including me, sat up a bit straighter and gave her their full attention. None of us has accomplished that. She earned their admiration with one simple statement.

I'm not suggesting any of us go around bragging to others about our writing accomplishments. The young woman above let it happen naturally in the course of a conversation. That's fine.

Wear a writer's satisfaction with pride. Let it out when the opportunity arises.

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