Monday, February 17, 2014

What Are Your February School Day Memories?

Today offers another opportunity to write something for your Family Stories Book. We've not always honored our former presidents on the third Monday in February. Previously, Abraham Lincoln's birthday and that of George Washington was celebrated on the actual date of their birth. Lincoln was born on the 12th of February and Washington on the 22nd. 

What did you do at school in your growing-up years to celebrate these special dates? I went to school long before the birthdays were celebrated together on the third Monday of this month. On the first school day of February, we were sure to find bulletin boards and windows decorated with pictures or silhouettes of the two presidents and, of course, Valentine hearts and cupids. During my grade school years, we had a day off on Lincoln's birthday one year and the following year, we had that day of freedom on Washington's birthday. 

The name of my grade school was Abraham Lincoln which might have led the school board to give us this man's birthday off every year, but since there were several other grade schools in our suburb, they chose the alternate date plan. Our grade schools were all named for either a president or a well-known author of the classics. 

Every February, we spent some class time learning about these two revered presidents. As we progressed in age, the information grew greater in amount. By the time I reached the 8th grade, I knew a great deal about each of these men. Some of the stories proved to be myths but, even so, many served as good moral lessons for children. They helped instill values that have carried over with me to this day.

What are your memories of February and celebrating the presidents' birthdays? Write about it and add to your Memory Book. Hopefully, something in what I wrote here today will trigger some memories for you. 

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