Sunday, February 24, 2013

So Close To Home, But.....


We have been on the road the past two days on our  way home from Florida. 11 hours on Saturday and 10 hours on Sunday. Much too long for senior citizens to be driving. But we're trying to get home before a new storm blows across the Plains. Doesn't look like we will make it, however, without dealing with some wintry weather. 

The snow has been delayed until later on Monday and into Tuesday morning. that's the good news. The bad news is that freezing drizzle and a wintry mix will precede the snow by a good many hours. Ken says we are leaving here (Springfield, MO) tomorrow morning and we'll go as far as we can. It's a five hour drive from here to Manhattan, KS in good weather. He says we'll stop if necessary and stay somewhere. The problem is that HIS idea of time to stop and MINE don't always mesh.

I admit that I'm a real wimp when it comes to driving in bad weather, so I tend to be the more cautious one in our marriage. I'm hoping that either it will not be too bad tomorrow a.m. or that an angel will whisper in his ear and tell him to stop somewhere. If the angels don't whisper to him, I just may have to shout! Either way, we'll try to do what is the safest way. 

We're so close to home and yet so far!

On a happier note, I received notice yesterday that my story, There's A Small Hotel, has made the final cut and will appear in a new Not Your Mother's Book on Travel. Publication date is March 26th. 

1 comment:

  1. Look on the bright side, this will give you more raw material to craft future stories. I remember one Florida trip my husband and I made, anxious to get home, after driving all day, we were still in Florida. Came to a stop that night in Pensacola.


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