Friday, January 11, 2013

Rambling Thoughts On A Friday

It's Friday and my mind is filled with unrelated thoughts.

The quote above is so simple but also right on the money. When you wake up in the morning, stretch and throw the covers back, the day spreads before you. It's your choice as to what to do with it.

Sometimes, the day is set for us with a 2 1/2 hour dental appointment on the calendar. That came to mind because it's what my Monday afternoon next week holds. I need a crown--that news did not make me happy, but there is a new procedure that means they can do it start to finish in one appointment rather than putting on a temporary and waiting three weeks. Some days, the set things we must do are more appealing than sitting in the dentist's chair for so long.

Even with scheduled appointments, social engagements and more, we have a certain amount of time each day where we can choose what to do. Many years ago, I read Barbara Bush's autobiography. Something she wrote near the end of the book stayed with me. To paraphrase, she said that we have a choice every day. We can choose to like what we must do that day or choose to not like it at all. She went on to say that she chose to like each day. What a positive attitude she had and probably still does.

Last night, I looked at my list of Submissions and Acceptances for 2012. Believe me, it was a bit grim. Why? was my first thought. I started looking over the submissions I'd made and noted that quite a few were for anthologies that have not made their selections yet. So, it's possible that submissions made in 2012 might still be accepted in 2013. Ah, look--a positive attitude! I also noted that some of the markets that once published my work are no longer in business. Hurts them and hurts their authors, too. Some kept publishing but had to cut back on the number of submissions they coud accept due to budget constraints. I did have some successes in that list but not as many as some other years.

One place where I made progress this past year is right here on the blog. I've gained more Followers and a lot more readers. Not all readers sign on as Followers so those numbers are never equal and often not even close to one another. I also made it through the 31 successive days of writing and publishing a blog post for the Blogger's Marathon last May. Hope to do it again this year. I picked up some readers, met a number of other bloggers and enjoyed the entire process.

Isn't a mind an amazing thing? It can be filled with myriad thoughts and still space available to add more. What are you going to fill yours with today?

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