Friday, October 21, 2011

Conference Time

It's nearly time for me to go to the Fourth and Final WAC Conference held in a beautiful state park just outside Washington DC. The conference is sponsored by writersandcritters, my online critique group. We're an international group for women only. They're tough critiquers sometimes but they sure do know how to polish a submission someone sends in until it shines enough to be sent to an editor. Our online friendships were cemented forever with the first conference.

The picture below is of Jennie and Molly, both form Atlanta, relaxing in our shared cabin after some intense conference presentations. The decks on our cabins look out onto the Potomac River. It's a wooded area but the river is there for all to enjoy through the trees. An occasional deer trots by, as well. It's a perfect spot to do some writing, learn something at the 2 1/2 days of presentations by seasoned writers, and drink in some of nature's best offerings.

Jennie and Molly

Just so you know it's not all play and no work, here's another picture of a conference meeting. All those writers look like everyone else, don't they? Someone you'd pass by in the grocery store aisle. Only differnce is while they shop, they are probably mentally working on a story.


Here's one of me giving a presentation on blogging at the last conference. This time, I'm going to talk about anthologies.
Nancy on blogging

I'll be gone from Tuesday through Sunday next week. Looking forward to seeing old friends, making a few new ones and learning a lot while having a good time. I'll be posting on the blog each morning, as usual, it the wi-fi system works out.

The big confere3nces have big name presenters, but a small conference like ours offers every bit as much, and in some respects, even more. If you haven't attended a writers conference of any kind, make it a 2012 goal. Go to one, and you'll want to try others.

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