Friday, February 11, 2011

Internet Radio

I had a new experience Wednesday afternoon. Manhattan is getting ready to launch an internet radio station, and I was invited to record several of my stories in the studio.

Konza Radio won't be a music station like so many of the internet radio sites are. This one will be more along the pattern of the well-known NPR stations on FM radio. The new station will be operated via the University For Man program which is affiliated with Kansas State University. UFM offers classes open to the public that meet anywhere from one time to six or more times in a semester. Class participants pay a fee which supports the program.

The Director of the new radio station had heard about my writing through a mutual friend. She contacted me and asked if I'd be interested. It sounded like fun to me, so I quickly agreed. I selected six stories and we set a date to meet. Weather cancelled it. Set another date. Funeral cancelled it. Finally the third date worked.

The recording studio turned out to be on the third floor of the UFM building which was a fraternity house once-upon-a-time. We climbed the two flights of steep stairs the a room with sloping ceilings, bare walls and a hissing old-fashioned radiator. It was warm and light and filled with radio recording equipment and a long table with a microphone above it.

I've always enjoyed reading aloud--even back in first grade in my Bluebirds Reading Group. I read a variety of stories, including some memoirs, a personal essay, and a couple for children. Before I knew it, we were finished.

The new station launches on February 28th. I'll give you the address for the website when it's ready to go.

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Writers--Take Your Time!

  One of the toughest lessons to learn when you first start writing is to take you time. You're eager. You're inspired. You're e...