Tuesday, May 11, 2010

More On 101 Best Websites for Writers

As we sped north on Interstate 35 yesterday, I spent well over an hour studying the list of 101 Best Websites For Writers, which I had mentioned here in my last post. The weather was foggy and drizzly, so it was nice to have something else to occupy my mind. Ken drove and I read my new magazine and then started a novel I need to read for my Book Club discussion next week.

I put a checkmark next to the sites I wanted to look at, and there were a great many of them. Some of the ones listed I am already a subscriber/reader, but there were a lot of new sites--new to me, at least. I found it interesting that a good many were blogs written by both writers and editors. Some had specific genres that they wrote about and others were about writing in general.

The sites were grouped under specific headings including Creativity, Writing Advice, General Resources, Jobs & Markets, Online Writing Communities, Everything Agents, Publishing/Marketing Resources, Genres/Niches and Just For Fun.  It appears that there is something for everyone. The intro to the article stated that 3,500 nominations had been received, which means the editors had a major operation in cutting it down to only 101.

The farther I went down the list, the more I looked forward to spending some time looking at the various sites and blogs. If I can even check out two each day, it is still going to take a long time to get to all of them. I'll have to choose the ones that I want to return to on a regular basis, for there isn't nearly enough time in the day to go to all of them all the time. That can be a trap for writers that keeps them reading about writing more than writing. We need to keep writing our number one priority and bring the other things in around it.

Later in the evening, we learned that tornadoes had followed the very route we had driven on our way home. Ten or eleven tornadoes hit in Oklahoma City and Kansas, all very near the interstate we drove on, but it was later in the day after we were closer to home. How grateful I am that we missed the devastating storms that created such destruction and took several lives.


  1. I've been checking out those websites, too. There are some really good ones. Glad you missed the storms, and hope this next one misses you, as well.

  2. It's going to take some time to look a the many good-sounding sites they've listed. Maybe we should have a race!


Writers--Take Your Time!

  One of the toughest lessons to learn when you first start writing is to take you time. You're eager. You're inspired. You're e...