Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Good Week

Despite my computer woes, this has been a good week in my writing world. I had three submissions accepted. All different genres. One is an article on the Kruger Park Game Reserve in South Africa. We visited it years ago, and it impressed me so much that I have written an article and a children's fiction story based on it. The children's story was the first thing I'd ever had published so is still dear to my heart. The article just accepted is for adults and will be published in a small Canadian magazine along with several pictures. The editor had asked me to send them, so I scanned and sent five of them the night before the computer died. Good thing as that is the one connected to the scanner/printer.

The second acceptance was for a poem written after a dream about gypsies on a train. Don't you wonder where the subject of your dreams comes from? It will be published in a literary ezine next March.

The third is a Thanksgiving memoir esssay that will appear in the same literary ezine in early November. They accept only a small amount of work submitted to them, so color me very pleased about being published there.

There was also an "almost there" message. I'd sent an opinion essay to a national teachers magazine, and they responded that I would hear from them by September 11th if they were interested. If I did not hear by then, it meant they did not want the essay. Yesterday's message was to tell me they still had my submission under consideration and if I did not hear from them by the end of the month to please contact them, give them a nudge on the decision. Not an acceptance but still in the running. Writers appreciate an editor who gives this kind of information, doesn't leave you dangling from a cliff wondering how long you can hold on.

The computer doctor called last night to tell me I can pick my baby up today. It will be sporting a brand new power supply. Happiness!

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