Friday, August 14, 2009

Writer Granny's World

I'm starting a new adventure, becoming a blogger. At age 70, I'm not about to let the world pass me by. I intend for this blog to be concerned with the writing world and also my personal world, now and then. Maybe others can learn something here, find a subject that they can relate to, or just enjoy getting away for a short visit.

Writing For Anthologies:
Much of my writing ends up in anthologies like Chicken Soup for the Soul. I'm proud to claim a spot in nine of those as well as a couple of Guideposts anthologies and the Ultimate series. It takes patience to submit to these places, for speed is not their strong point. It can be months, even more than a year, before there is a response from an editor. And those responses arrive only if a story makes the finals. That still doesn't guarantee publication. More waiting. More wondering. If the story makes the final cut, a congratulations notice and contract/permission release agreement is sent. If not, you never hear a word. That's the part I really, really hate. Hey, I can take rejection, so send me a message saying something like "So sorry, but your fine story didn't make the final cut." That way, I know and can move on. But please, please, please tell me!

1 comment:

  1. This doesn't just happen with anthologies, Nancy. All agents require that you send a SASE with your query (thus paying for your own rejection). Some never bother to send it back, leaving you to twist in the wind until you decide you'll never hear from them. My pet peeve about the writing biz.



Writers--Take Your Time!

  One of the toughest lessons to learn when you first start writing is to take you time. You're eager. You're inspired. You're e...