Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Editing Process

Writing can be fun, satisfying, exhilarating. Editing? Maybe not so much. But, as the poster quote tells us, it is the right thing to do. Why?

After you write the first draft, then let it simmer alone for a while, it's time to start the editing process. Start at the very beginning and read through the entire piece. Oh my! You've probably found all kinds of little things that need your attention.  
  1. Go back sentence by sentence or paragraph by paragraph.and correct spelling errors.
  2.  Replace words that have been repeated too many times. 
  3. Look for overly long sentences and either shorten them or divide them into two separate ones. 
  4. Make sure you stayed with the same tense throughout. 
  5. Clarify where a portion seems confusing.
  6. Check to make sure subjects and verbs are both singular or both plural
  7. Are there too many adjectives or adverbs sprinkled throughout?
  8. Is the opening one that will hook a reader?
  9. Is there a satisfying conclusion? 
  10. Can there be a few more sensory details added?
  11. If pertinent, did you show more than tell?
  12. Does emotion come through?
  13. If there is dialogue, is it punctuated correctly, tags clear and not overdone?
That's a pretty long checklist, but if you make sure you're good with all of them, your story or essay or article is going to be much better. It will also have a greater chance of being published.

If you use a program like Grammarly or something similar, you'll be a step ahead on the spelling, punctuation and more. 

Just this week, an editor sent back a submission for me to edit. She had requested one of my blog posts for a new anthology she is producing. She returned it to me with some thoughts and questions, and some suggestions to make it better. I worked on it yesterday afternoon, and using both her suggestions and changes I made on my own, I feel like it is a much finer submission. 

Editing is the right thing to do and helps you be a better writer. We write because our heart tells us we must, but the ordinariness of a good editing job clears the path on our writing journey.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jim. They're all things we should be mentally asking ourselves as we write, but especially so when editing.

  2. Yes, editing is the hardest thing. But also, how to get to the chair, to put yourself in the place to work at the writing. I finds many things to procrastinate with, things that are so important they have to be done immediately. Washing those windows - even though it's about to rain... mending that pair of jeans - that'll never fit you anyway... cleaning that cupboard - really, it has needed it for a long time... etc etc.. Once I make up my mind, I love the writing , but getting to it..
    I'm in the middle of writing a memoir just now and should really being doing that instead of this. because I should be doing that, I found your blog and I love it. Keep writing


    1. Thank you for your comment. Would you mind telling me where you found my blog? Always curious to know. I hope you'll consider signing on as a Follower. Re postponing writing for other mundane things--you're not alone. We have to be firm with ourselves and get to writing! :)


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